Tuesday 12 May 2020

Lockdown Literature 6.1

Hi folks,

I hope you had a good bank holiday weekend. Before you get started on today’s work, please make sure that you completed all the work from last Tuesday, especially the quiz.

Here’s your next set of work (for Friday):

There are a few sentence/paragraph responses to write which I’ll have to mark. You’ll get your final mark emailed to you.

2) Do the following ‘because, but, so’ sentences (make sure you write out three sentences in full, with perfect punctuation):
  • The fire in Chapter 49 could be a key turning point in Pip’s story because
  • The fire in Chapter 49 could be a key turning point in Pip’s story, but
  • The fire in Chapter 49 could be a key turning point in Pip’s story, so

(You can write these in an email, or write them in your book and take a picture.)

3) Finally, read Chapters 50-52 of Great Expectations.                    
(Although this is another three-chapter burst, it’s only the same amount of reading as last time. Chapters 50 and 52 are just a few pages long.) I’ll send my notes along via email shortly.

That’s all for now. Thanks for continuing to be absolute distance-learning legends!

Mr M

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