Friday 22 May 2020

Lockdown Literature 7.2

Hi folks,

Not too much to do today. My advice is to do the quiz today while 54 is fresh in your memory, then give yourself a week off, and then do the reading on the Monday after half-term. Of course, it’s up to you! 

Please make sure you completed the work from last time before you move on.

Here’s today’s work (to be completed by Tuesday 2nd June):

2) Read and annotate Chapters 55 & 56. Chapter 55 is a short chapter of Wemmick family sweetness. Chapter 56 is even shorter, but quite significant. I’ll get you to do an extract task on it after half-term.

I’ll send my notes along via email at some point today. I’m also going to put all of my notes in a folder in a cloud and give you access to it.

If you find yourself looking for something to do over half-term, you can always:

That’s it. Feel free to email me any time if you need anything. Otherwise, you’ll hear from me again on June 2nd.

Have a great half-term.

Mr M

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