Friday 1 May 2020

Lockdown Literature 4.2

Hello again Year 10,
Great work this week with the extra reading. We need to do one more three-chapter burst to get us to where we need to be, then we can go back to a slightly easier pace.

Here’s the next set of tasks (for Tuesday):

1) Do this quiz on Chapters 42-44. There are a couple of questions that I'll have to mark myself, so you'll get your final score in an email.

2) Do the following ‘because, but, so’ sentences (make sure you write out three sentences in full, with perfect punctuation):

  • In Chapter 44, Pip finally declares his undying love for Estella because
  • In Chapter 44, Pip finally declares his undying love for Estella, but
  • In Chapter 44, Pip finally declares his undying love for Estella, so

(You can write these in an email, or write them in your book and take a picture.)

3) Read the following information about the Hummums (the setting for Chapter 45):

The Hummums of Covent Garden once stood at the southeast corner of the Little Piazza, in between Great Russell Street and Tavistock Row. In its long history it provided many services from Turkish baths to a Restaurant hotel, and as its services changed so did its appearance. But despite various owners, mergers, and destruction both by fire and human demolition, the Hummums survived from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth century. Like a phoenix, it repeatedly emerged from its ashes, staking its claim on this little niche in the London metropolis. In fact the very term “hummums” became so closely associated with the southeast corner of the market that several nineteenth century mapmakers, like Edmund Wilkinson, replaced the term “Little Piazza” with “Hummums” on their London maps, indicating that this institution formed a definitive section of Covent Garden. It not only occupied a physical space in London, it occupied a substantial space in the idea of London.

The Hummums had strong associations in the Victorian imagination, with a famous ghost story of its own and a reputation as a place of renewal, but also as ‘a favourite haunt of women of the town’; in fact, the word ‘hummums’ became a slang term for a brothel.

4) Finally, read Chapters 45-47 of Great Expectations. I’ll send my notes along via email shortly.

That’s it. Next week, I’ll ask you about the symbolic significance of the Hummums episode and its role in bildungsroman. And there will be more dramatic revelations and climactic moments! That's a promise!

Thanks for all your hard work. We're getting there!

Mr M

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