Tuesday 19 May 2020

Lockdown Literature 7.1

Hi folks,

We’ve nearly made it to half-term and we’ve nearly made it to the end of Great Expectations. Just six more chapters to go! Well done! 

My only moan is that I have a few gaps in my markbook as a handful of you haven’t done the last two quizzes (on Chapters 48 & 49 and Chapters 50, 51 and 52). Please check if that’s you. If it is, get please do it now so I don’t have to chase you up.

Here’s today’s work (due in on Friday):

2) Read and annotate Chapter 54. (My notes are here)  
It is an eventful one. Make a page of Cornell notes on the events of this chapter as you go, under the title: Chapter 54: On the Thames. Alternatively, summarise the chapter by building sentences around these fragments:

  • as pip, herbert and startop row out to meet magwitch
  • at mill pond bank
  • magwitch seems
  • the mood darkens as
  • a filthy inn by the river
  • the 'jack', a grizzled odd-job man
  • at night, pip sees
  • the next morning
  • the german steamer that will take them to hamburg
  • another rowboat
  • recognises compeyson and
  • only magwitch emerges
  • at the end of the chapter

That’s it! On Friday, I’ll just set a little bit of reading which can either be done that day or on the Monday after half-term, giving you a full week of peace. Nearly there!

Thanks for your continued hard work.

Mr M

P.S. If you missed the recent YouTube screening of Macbeth at the Globe, you can still watch it here. Apparently it’s a very student-friendly production. Little half-term treat?

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