Friday 29 March 2019

Share your poetry notes

Hi folks,

Remember, your revision will be much more effective if you use your existing notes and materials to create something new by transforming them into something else. 'Distilling a poem' is one way of doing this; you look at your notes, select the most important things to remember, then present it in a way that is organised and visually pleasing.

Don't forget dual coding. Combining words with relevant images, diagrams, colours etc. makes the information more memorable.

If you've created any good notes, why not share them with the class as an example? Remember though, the process of creating your own materials is a powerful learning tool in itself. 

Here's some examples, courtesy of Liberty (thanks!!!):

Please bung your email address into the 'Follow by Email' bar for updates when there's a new post.

Happy revising!

Mr M

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Great Expectations: Themes and Motifs

Hi folks,

Here are your notes based on the JILES themes.

It's be a good idea for you to use these ideas to start creating your own notes on each theme. Don't forget to use the JILES conclusions sheet to think about the kind of conclusions which might constitute a 'conceptualised response'.

Here they are (click to enlarge):