Friday 12 June 2020

Lockdown Literature 9.2


Thanks to those of you who have sent me your annotated Google Doc. I’ll be going through them today and I’ll send you my own annotated extract when I’ve got the rest of them in. If I’m still waiting for yours, please send it asap.

Here’s today’s work (to be completed by Tuesday 16th June):

2) Do the following ‘because, but, so’ sentences (make sure you write out three sentences in full, with perfect punctuation, then send them in an email to me):

  • Dickens’s decision to marry Biddy to Joe is a surprise to the reader because
  • Dickens’s decision to marry Biddy to Joe is a surprise to the reader, but
  • Dickens’s decision to marry Biddy to Joe is a surprise to the reader, so

3) Read and annotate the final chapter of the book, Chapter 59. My notes are here:

That’s it. The end! What are we going to do with ourselves now? Well, next week, we’ll discuss the ending, we’ll read the alternative ending (!) and we’ll try to reach some conclusions about Dickens’s themes and intentions. We'll read some bits of criticism. We can maybe watch a film version. At some point, we’ll have to try an essay question. Of course, most of you will soon be back in school for a couple of days. Then you’ll have a presentation to plan and write. So we’ve still got plenty to do.

But you’ve read the whole of Great Expectations and that is a real achievement, especially under these strange circumstances. It took us over five months, but we got there. CONGRATULATIONS!

Look after yourselves. Let me know if you need anything.

Mr M

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