Monday 29 April 2024

Macbeth: some questions and resources

Hi all,

I’ve been meaning to share some key Macbeth resources for a little while, so here we go…

Here is a pdf file of all the Macbeth questions.


Questions on Lady Macbeth, the witches and themes like guilt and ambition are all good bets, so make sure you revise them and prepare your arguments and quotations for them.


Here is my model answer to the Lady Macbeth ‘fiend-like’ question.

Here is my uber-plan for a question on the witches.


If I think of anything else, I’ll add it later.


Mr M

Monday 15 April 2024

More Jekyll and Hyde goodies

Hi all, 

I’m putting together some key resources for Macbeth revision. I'll post these soon.  But in the meantime, here are a few more bits on Jekyll and Hyde:


My model essay of Good/Evil

My model essay on Hyde

My model essay on Utterson

Another teacher’s Utterson essay (he has a different take to me!)


Duality in Jekyll and Hyde (British Library article)

‘Navigating Jekyll and Hyde’s London’ – a useful article about context and methods

Jekyll and Hyde @ PMT Revision

To make it easy to see the past questions at-a-glance, I've summarised them below:

2016 (sample paper): Mr Hyde as a 'frightening outsider' (extract from Chapter 2)

2017: Sympathy for Dr Jekyll (extract from Chapter 7)

2018: How Stevenson creates 'mystery and tension' (Chapter 4)

2019: Hyde as 'inhuman and disturbing' (Chapter 8)

2020: Ideas about 'good and evil' (Chapter 10)

2021: Settings and atmosphere ('disturbing and threatening') (Chapter 10)

2022: Jekyll as a 'mysterious character' (Chapter 6)

2023: Hyde as a 'threatening and dangerous character' (Chapter 1)

Finally, I've written some questions based on things that have not yet come up. Here they are:


Hope these help!


Mr M