Wednesday 8 February 2017

Brush up on your writing skills


I was hit with a few surprising questions today:

  • how do you write in paragraphs?
  • how do I use commas?
  • what are semi-colons used for?
For answers to these and many other questions, check out the University of Bristol's 'Improve Your Writing' page. It's excellent.

Mr M

Mock Paper 2 prep


Here's the powerpoint from today's lesson:

Please comment below or email me (or tweet @BeverleyHighEng !) if you are unsure or have any questions. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. The Twitter account becomes more useful as we get closer to the exams as I'll start sending out lots of resources and advice - and there will be plenty of retweets of great advice nicked from other schools.

Mr M

Thursday 2 February 2017

Homework: Descriptive Writing

Hi folks,

Here's the homework task:

Spend 20 minutes or so on the task.

Show off. Include:
  • alliteration
  • imagery
  • anaphora
  • diacope
  • epizeuxis
  • congeries
Check out the definitions here.

Mr M

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Elements of Eloquence

Hi folks,

I'd like to remind you of these rhetorical terms on Quizlet.

These classical rhetorical figures date back as far as the Ancient Greeks. Shakespeare himself would have been taught them as a major part of his study of rhetoric, and the signs can be found all through his plays.

I've taken the terms and some of the definitions from an excellent book called 'Elements of Eloquence', by Mark Forsyth. 

Some of them are essentials for both analysis and for use in your writing (personification, alliteration, congeries, anaphora etc.) Some are more rare and more awkward to use.

Check it out below. You can change the mode (eg. to flashcards) using the menu at the bottom.

Mr M